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Karina Grant

89 answers

Karina was born in 1977 and attended her first Louise Hay and breath work seminar at age 12. When her Father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2005, she searched for ways to help ...

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Why did you become a Quantum-Touch instructor?

As soon as I realised how easy it is to learn and that people of all ages can do it, anyone from any background, I loved the technique so much that I wanted to share it with as many people as possible.

What does Energy Healing mean?

Energy healing means increasing the flow of energy that's in the body, and that really helps to bring us into a state of physical and emotional balance.

What is Quantum-Touch?

Quantum Touch is an energy healing modality that is based on bringing together different breathing techniques, body awareness techniques, and visualisation techniques.

What happens to our breath when we are stressed?

Is breathwork used in other practices?